Tuesday, January 26, 2010

kids + january temps = quick outdoor photo shoot!

you know it's time to go inside when they're whimpering and not even the bribe of candy can get them to smile. i'm pretty sure these kids are going to run screaming if they ever see me again.

luckily, we found a great "inside" spot right around the block. it was:

a) warm
b) run by a cool guy who let us overtake the place
c) full of steamy cups of hot chocolate with whipped cream

so, next time you're in nyssa, oregon, go here:

'cause this guy makes a mean white chocolate mocha:

and he's super cool.
[thank you, thunderegg coffee co!]


Karli said...

totally love their strawberry/banana smoothies too. Haven't tried the hot chocolate, but I will. Yum! They are the sweetest couple too. Glad you found a warm spot & will call you later. Love ya!

Elizabeth Peterson said...

I have never been to that place but it sounds delightful. :0)
I will call ya up in the spring for our photo shoot, me and my kids are not good in the cold!